Sunday 12 February 2012


'Hola' is 'Hi' in Spanish!

I was chatting to a Mum at Nippers and her family were off to Spain! I was so jealous! How wonderful! She was telling me all about her plans and the memories from Simon and I travelling over there came flooding back! We were fortuate enough to spend 4 weeks there! We travelled through Barcelona, Madrid, Santander, Granada, Valencia, Tarragona, Alicante and San Sebastian.

 It reminded me of..

Beaches like this one everyday!!!!!!!

Watching the amazing Flamenco Dancer in Clubs..

Spanish food! Paella, Tapas, Red Wine, Bread and Oils!!! Yumo! I think I had spanish omlettes every breakfast for the entire month!

Over the time we were in Europe we went to Barcelona 3 times!
I loved shopping there and my fave shop was Mango! 

We did a tour of the bull ring in Seville - but there was NO way I was going to a Bullfight! The sport of goading and killing a bull as a public spectacle in an outdoor arena. UM NO! The man who rides the bull is called a Matador, there is so much history with bull fighting and as the ages pass the younger generation of Spainoids are trying to stop it.

Spain is a country that we would love to revisit.......One day...... XX
gracias por leer | Thank you for reading.

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