Wednesday 30 May 2012

Industrial Home Design

Industrial homes remind me of big old warehouses converted into modern eclectic homes.
From the outside would be a brick mass wall with a weathered entry door with a big ól round steel door banger (maybe a tigers head!), that echos inside the house when guests bang on it!

Maybe I'll start looking to buy an old warehouse then!

Done right, I absolutley love exposed brickwork with dark polished floorboards.
 I would add white furniture to break it up though.
Oh and what an amazing spiral stairwell in the above image.

This photo is dedicated to you Polly..

Industrial Design is a somewhat a broad title. It can be the design of motor vehicles, lighting, furniture, packaging, and a whole number of other types applied in three-dimensional arts.  But what I think we all love the most is Furniture & Lighting! 

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