Tuesday 13 March 2012

Tears and Tantrums.

..from the get go today it was all frustration and tears and at the end of the day it was a tantrum!

Rarely do I throw myself on the bed like a teenager not getting her way! Well today nothing went my way and everything was too hard and that's exactley what I did!
 I through myself on the bed, smack bang in the middle of a pile of washing!

and had a big sob!

I slammed some doors, did some yelling...

I calmed down, and realised I have too many eggs and not enough baskets to put them in.

One has to go.

We set goals and put the wheels in motions for results, but somethimes we forget about what's really important and right in front of us.  More often than not wheels need to be de-railed just to cherish the little things. 

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