Sunday, 2 November 2014

Summery weekend.

haven't been on my blog for a while.  So I thought whilst I am sitting here with a glass of wine.. Why not!

The weather the last two weekends have been fab.. Here is what we've been up to.

Long Reef.
A day on Pittwater with one of my best girlfriends and her family.

My boys having a little "time out"!!!

Blake in his new wetsuit!

Drew in his wetsuit!

A visit to my Poppy.  The boys Great Poppy.

Lunch at Harbord Diggers and then a quick walk.

Have a great week!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Bathroom makeover

Our house is 18 years old, therefore our kitchen and bathroom need to be brought back to life but they're not in disarray.  I wanted to attack our bathroom and laundry first. After months and months of research I discovered Berger paint products. Here are the results. Cheap and effective makeover!

Saturday, 1 June 2013


League or Union? Well our family watches both! Lucky us!

Blake plays Union and Drew plays League!

They are both great little players!

Drew is only 5 and tackles hard and scores at least 1 try a game! Blake also goes hard and scores at least 1 try a game! I get so excited! I'm pretty sure I jump up and down! How embarrassing!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

so many birthdays.....

Our family has so many birthdays coming up..

Happy Birthday to Eadie Belle TODAY! She is 2! Celebrations on Sunday!

Mum's is the 1st June!
Simon's brother Ben is the 5th June!
Blake's is the 12th June. He wants a sleepover party and maybe the movies!
My girlfriend Anthea is the 26th (I think)!
Mine is the 29th! I don't think I will be getting much as I have spent WAY to many dollars of late!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY all those Gemini's and Cancerians!!!

Friday, 19 April 2013

A rainy day.

What to do on a rainy day? I took myself to the local library! I joined up and was in interior book heaven!

I grabbed a few Grug books for Drew and a reading book for Blake too!

I can't wait to read my books!

And yes.. I will return them in the 3 weeks! I was very aware that I couldn't have used my Appleton name as I'm pretty sure I lost a book when I was little! Um arr!!!!

First day of School | Blake and Drew

I am going to start using my blog for capturing firsts, special moments and anything else I want to be able to reflect back on!

One of those is my boys first day at school!

Blake started in 2011, he was so cute, he cried for about two weeks and wanted his Mummy x My heart was melting!

Drew started this year, 2013. He is still so little! He was a little lost the first few days, but not many tears. Now he is full of confidence and is doing really well socially and academically.

I miss my little play buddies during the day x

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wedding month.

We have 2 weddings this month. I LOVE weddings. Two people pledging their love for one and other. But who's kidding.. Us gals love to see the fashions in the wedding field!

Last weekend our group of gals looked amazing. Loads of fun, happy colours. Pink, Orange, Teal & Peach! The bride looked so radiant x

Bring on next weekend!